Well, as the new Medium Large comic site lumbers to life it turns out Teenage Girl President may be going on air rather than online. That's because I recently signed a deal to help bring a cartoon series of TGP to a less-than-discriminating basic cable channel near you.
Now this is all in the preliminary stages of eventual turnaround, so my saying "I signed a deal" is in no way the same as my saying "TGP is airing after Venture Bros." (Though that, in two words, would rule). But I am happy that it's moving forward and I thank each and every one who read--and commented on--the comic way back when. You gave me the confidence to seek out and sign this deal.
And, of course, I have to give a special shout-out to Yellojkt for his long-ago post about the viability of such a series...only to be hit with more than his fair share of requests from all-too-enthusiastic stage mothers.
I'll keep you all up-to-date when there is more news.
Holy crap! Mazel Tov!
Thanks, Josh! But like I said, signing a deal is several, several steps away from apologizing online for the pilot episode. Still, I am excited about the possibility of selling out.
You're selling out?!?
Aw man, I remember when you were cool...
And really poor.
Now you're gonna be just another corporate tool like Iggy, Wilco, Letham, Kirby, Burroughs and Charles Schultz.
I suppose you'll probably start eatin' three meals a day and everything.
In all seriousness, I hope you make so goddamn much money that you would never consider acknowledging gutter trash like me.
As one who wasn't there way back when, I'm just waiting anxiously until I get to read this thing. You've got me hooked with the teasers here.
Man, I hope this happens.
Whee! I'm so excited at the prospect!
Medium Large is coming back???
Oh, the the TV show thing would be pretty mindblowingly kickass too.
Rat is a Concierge! RAT IS A CONCIERGE!!!
Fathers, lock up your daughters! Ted Forth is coming to Pearls Before Swine!!!
Besides we have a whole new crop of tweener stars that play that role. I'd vote for the smart-assed sidekick on iCarly. And yes, I do watch more Nick than a grown man should.
And to think TGP was originally a snark at the awful bizarreness that is/was WB programming. The irony is... what's the adjective I'm looking for? Delicious? Mirth inducing? Purple?
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