As is often the case with Faye and Hil-centric Sally Forth strips, some readers appear to be looking for a certain subtext in today's episode (quotes courtesy of The Comic Curmudgeon's commentators):
"Those first two panels would be the perfect set-up to a third panel with an awkward good-night kiss."
"Faye, just grab her and kiss her. That will stop time for her."
"So is Hillary (sic) gonna kiss that boy goodnight in the moonlight?"
Faye is a girl, right?
Yes. Yes she is.
Well, I for one read Sally Forth mostly on the hopes that Hil & Faye break a barrier of the comics page... namely perform a full album of Halloween carols about werewolves
=v= I think it's just wonderful how the Internet's little boys are so consistent in clamoring for the same old same old.
I was working that angle years ago.
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