No doubt to be followed by such fun shirts as:
"Sad Mommy and Daddy Orphan Their Kids"
"Malnutrition, Disease, Bullets Kill Refugees"
"Missing Baby Found...Under Floorboards"
"Grandma Sells Dentures to Pay for Food She Can No Longer Chew"
"Puppy Lost Too Many Limbs to Live"
Hey, I've got a good way to scrimp: don't buy CNN T-shirts.
This has gotta be the stupidest goddam thing I have ever seen a network do, and I'm counting "Pink Lady and Jeff."
this is the funniest thing
Huh. Were I to encounter someone wearing this shirt, my first instinct would be to punch them.
Honestly, even Fark headlines are more shirtworthy than CNN.
Conflicted: The missing baby line is hilarious, should I laugh long and loud or give it a wry chuckle...*snickering*
I would be tempted to buy that puppy shirt ...
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