I'm...I'm just thinking out loud...just pitching an idea into the electronic ether...just...just bringing up possibilities for those so inclined to perhaps, oh, I don't know...create such things...such "Wikipedia" things...things like an entry devoted to a particular...um...you know...character...
UPDATE: There is indeed now a
Ted Forth Wikipedia entry, courtesy of renowned Tedologist
Yellojkt, author of
Ted Forth, My Hero and
Sally's Hero: Ted Forth, Part Deaux. Many, many thanks, Yellojkt!
Done. And done.
Would you happen to be able to release an image of Ted under CC-BY-SA, GFDL, or some other acceptable free license? We could put one in through fair use but it requires jumping through hoops and being able to get a free image is preferable.
Well I couldn't do much but add a small change to the entry. However, I did add an entry for that stunning new cartoon rock group, ENSLAVE THE MOLLUSK!
I can't wait for the Enslave The Mollusk/New Dehli Monkey Gang double bill tour.
I threw in the meatloaf thing, though I had to check yellojkt's blog to be sure.
Ces, perhaps someone might alter the excellent new Wikipedia entry to include the fact that Ted Forth is the fey gremlin who lives somewhere in the most tortured corner of your soul. One might even go so far as to say that while Ted is your Id, Sally is your Ego and Faye is, quite possible, your Superego. And Hillary is your missing fifth limb. And Sally's mother is your nightmare.
I'm just sayin'.
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