Thanks to everyone who has participated in the quest to rename Faye and Hilary's piano/guitar powerhouse, supergroup combo. I've narrowed the original list down to the leading favorites and added a few new options to the mix, just to keep things a little interesting and the poll perhaps never-ending.
1. Cupcake Thunderbrake
2. Francine and the Trousers
3. And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Our Bread
4. Teenage Girl President
5. New Delhi Monkey Gang
6. Strawberry Shoreleave
7. I Am Rubber You Are Glue
8. Don't Stop Bereaving
9. What if We're a Dream and the Giant Wakes Up?
10. The Strudels
Stll voting for a corrected 3, and I'd also like to cast a vote for 8.
Strawberry Shoreleave is good too.
"Don't Stop Bereaving" would make an excellent name for a horribly offensive "yellowface" Journey cover band that sang in an exaggerated, stereotypical Chinese accent.
I still like New Dheli Monkey Gang, but now I'm leaning towards Francine and T he Trousers, if only for its simplicity.
Of these, either Francine and the Trousers or TGP.
Really, though, I would go with "Blisterpack." Too late, I guess.
I throw out a passionate vote for Teenage Girl President!
I think the rest of them would make for excellent song titles, though. Especially Strawberry Shoreleave and Don't Stop Beraving.
stick with the mockery of Ted's unemployment:
Six Months to Broke
I don't get it, but I like Cupcake Thunderbrake
I think the obvious answer is staring us all right in the face.
Ladies and gentlemen! Put your hands together! For...POODLE IN THE MOUTH!
Or, failing that, yeah, Teenage Girl President.
another vote for TGP!
TGP in '08.
The Hastle Offs!
Criminal Négligée!
One Pound Bag!
But since it's evidently to suggest new names, I'm gonna have to vote for TGP. Or Strawberry Shoreleave.
Er, that should have said "evidently too late to suggest..."
Call me a fool.
I'm all about Cupcake Thunderbrake.
I'm voting for Strawberry Shoreleave here.
How about Cupcake Timberlake? Other band names are available here:
Strawberry Shoreleave, definately. Teenage Girl President is good, but it's been done.
TGP! TGP! I'm in withdrawal!
I like "And You Will You Know Us By The Trail Of Our Bread", but somehow I doubt that's a serious option.
Also, #9 sounds more like an album name than a band name.
has to be TGP.
though i originally read no. 8 as "don't stop beavering", and i might have voted for that
My suggestion: Four-Fifths Famous...
Or #10, #7, #6 (in that order). Although I do worry that some of them could be misconstrued inappropriately...
I like "What if We're a Dream" but it's a little too long. How's about "Strawberry Shoreleave" instead?
Another vote for Teenage Girl President.
TGP. Gotta be.
Or: Global Squirming.
It must be Strawberry Shoreleave!!!
I like New Delhi Monkey Gang because when they break up and eventually reform with half the original members, they can be the New New Delhi Monkey Gang.
Interpol had interesting storyline potential involving copyright infringement lawsuits and cease-and-desist orders from both the existing band and the International Police organization.
What if We're a Dream and the Giant Wakes Up? sounds like it should be a reference to something, but I can't find it anywhere online. It would make a good album title, too.
I'm torn between 2 and 4, really. Also, "Don't Stop Bereaving" is hilarious, but not what I'd pick for Hilary and Faye's scary duo.
Also, my boyfriend's contribution: "I would go see ANY of those bands."
I still like the monkey gang. Although "Don't Stop Bereaving" made me snort. Loudly.
If you don't use it, maybe Lynn can use "Don't Stop Bereaving" if April renames "4eva" after the third breakup with whozit.
Teen Giiiiiirl President!
Francine and the Trousers. I love it!
Teenage Girl President, all the way.
Teenage Girl President. Definitely.
First, Teenage Girl President.
Second, the Cupcake one.
But your recent addition, The Strudle, would make most sense if your storyline involves the girls asking Ted to help come up with a band name.
AYWKUBTTOOB is just fantastic, but I have serious doubts that it could be the choice.
TGP's just to good to pass up.
four or five, definitely!
Teenage Girl President FTW.
I would prefer that TGP came back in her own comic strip glory. I miss her. I like Cupcake Thunderbake and Strawberry Shoreleave. They are cute and kinda scary both.
Teenage Girl President! Yes!
TGP or the yes-its-long-but-somehow-catchy You Will Know Us By the Trail of Our Breadcrumbs
I like Teenage Girl President
As the inventress of Francine and the Trousers, I vote for that one. Also, jfruh is a frigging genius.
Teenage Girl President for the win!
Strawberry Shoreleave. Definitely.
Right, so I just noticed that this post is like 2 years old. So, uh...sorry for making you think about it again? Heh.
How about Thin Lezzy?...too obvious?
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