Friday, September 26, 2008

What Happens after the Economy Collapses and Civilization Ends

The few survivors break into two warring factions, “The Feral Slashers” and “The Milksop Fops.” The ensuing battle is swift and decisive.

With a new civilization comes a new Creation Myth, one that states, “In the beginning there were canned goods and Lou’s Dodge Dart…”

Despite the absence of any atomic blast and in defiance of the “square-cube law,” the world is overrun with 40-story rabbits.

Out of respect for the worldwide extermination of most of the human race, “The Tonight Show” goes on hiatus for a week.

With 98% of earth’s population gone, people’s requests to be added as one another’s friends on Facebook take a far more desperate tone.

Sensing there is no longer a housing market, Manhattan real estate prices experience a momentary dip.

Stephen King’s The Stand is re-filmed with a live webcast.

In a new world where everyone must now provide a service crucial to the survival of mankind, the humor writers find themselves pretty much fucked.


  1. the world is overrun with 40-story rabbits

    I am so turned on right now.

  2. In a new world where everyone must now provide a service crucial to the survival of mankind, the humor writers find themselves pretty much fucked.

    This new world will need laughter, and clowns.

    Plus it will need someone to clean up the corpses of the businessmen and politicians who have been hung from the streetlights by their intestines. So, you're good both ways.
