Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Because Josh Would Donate to Your Site

Click here to give and give.


  1. I totally would! Thanks, Ces!

    (Note to self: When Ces has "Medium Large" fundraiser, disavow all knowledge of mysterious "jfruh" character.)

  2. RE: today's Sally Forth

    Oh, Ces... More than half of the American public is fat. I use the word as a descriptor, not as an insult. I'm fat. And when I read this morning's strip, and saw that word used as an insult, I felt it. Because it insulted me, and more than half your readers. I know that picking on fat people is still a common comedic ploy, but it's cheap, it's insulting, and it's not worthy of you. For shame, Ces.

  3. I completely agree with your response to today's strip and I deeply apologize that I offended you or anyone else. I meant it as a cruel, thoughtless remark from a from a hurt Sally. not from the author, but since the author's voice is so intwined with his writing it's very hard if not impossible to discern any separation between the two and my using such as a defense can seem cowardly at best. I am very sorry.

  4. I'm just not buying that remark from Sally--it seems really out of character.

  5. I think it's out of character for Sally because her power over Ted has never been threatened.

    For some reason I'm thinking of Ted as Hal in Malcolm in the Middle. Aria could walk up to him in a bikini and sit in his lap, and he'd want to talk about some '80s cartoon.

    I wasn't offended by the "fat" because I knew it was just Sally being bitchy.
