Wednesday, September 24, 2008

McCain Disappoints Letterman


  1. Wait a minute... This is from TONIGHT'S show, and it was posted on YouTube OVER FOUR HOURS AGO? Granted, they tape earlier in the day, but this has got to be some kind of piracy world record.

  2. Dan, I believe it was released to news services, much like the Obama interview was. That one showed up on the evening news the night of the show.

  3. Oh, almost forgot the original thing I wanted to comment on. Not only did McCain disappoint Letterman, but Letterman seems to have frightened Olbermann. :)

  4. Don't forget that the show is taped beginning at 5:00, so there's plenty of time to release it to the services.

    What struck me is not so much that Letterman was disappointed but the way his attitude seemed to escalate as the show went on. And perhaps McCain's people have learned that if you're going to blow off Letterman, don't do it so that you can do another interview with the same network, where they can find the feed that reveals what you're up to. Next time, go talk to Brian Williams instead.
