Sunday, April 4, 2010

Live Blogging the Easter Family Party at My Parents' House

One elderly aunt began her greeting to me with "I'm sorry" but never followed it up with any sort of explanation. Sorry for something she did? Sorry for me? Sorry about me overall? What? What?!?

Dad's Comment to Mom--"I've only had four pigs in blankets...not counting those other six."

Note to Elderly Relative--"The thing about Puerto Ricans..." is no way to start a pleasant dialogue at the table.

Old family Friend, without Prompting--"I hate cruises. Cruises and the Dutch."

Dad--"I was looking at myself in the mirror and you know something? I am one beautiful man."

Dad--"Everyone calls me a Renaissance man. I think they're right."

Elderly Relative--"All the bathrooms are occupied. Is there anywhere else I can go?"


jzgplj said...

It sounds like a truly bizarre holiday at your parents' house.
Is that a Peeps Cheesecake?

One-eyed Wolfdog said...

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that gets all riled by cruises. And the Dutch. Lord. What an unholy combination.

Aviatrix said...

I hope you recorded this from a comfortable hidden compartment out of the grasp of the described family members.