1. When he goes to Friday’s, he tells the bartender to give him a beer and the most fluorescent drink they have as a chaser.
2. He owns one of the six A-Team vans that were used on the series.
3. To get pumped up for company softball games, he listens to early Heart.
4. He has completed three Krav Maga classes.
5. He has an unhealthy addiction to Pocky.
6. He was beaten out by Puck for the final spot in Real World: San Francisco.
7. He knows and can still perform all the words to the McDonald’s Menu Song. Most people get stuck once the breakfast part starts.
8. He hates when people say “an historic” instead of “a historic.”
9. His favorite TV show of all time is Get a Life.
10. Has had seven separate bouts with scurvy due to a crippling fear of Vitamin C.
You can find more from the real Kevin here.
"crippling fear of vitamin C" HA!!! :D
To be fair, I think you didn't get the full menu song. If you did you were the grand prize winner but most of the "45s" they'd give you stopped halfway through.
...Incidentally I can get to the salads.
I'll have you know that horse meat is quite delicious. Leaner and darker than most cuts of beef, it is greatly preferable to hamburger. That is all.
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