I'll be on the radio tonight--INTERNET radio, which as we all now is the future today! (Unlike a certain long-promised personal jetpack that has yet to materialize in great numbers).
So if you happen to be free TONIGHT AT 9:30 PM EST (and can DVR 30 Rock) then by all means please listen to my mellifluous Long Island accent as I ramble incoherently in six directions at once on the ELVIS DINGELDEIN'S DRUNKEN SOLILOQUY show. Elvis and I will be discussing Sally Forth, Medium Large and how to feasibly restructure the world's economy using the very same system professional gamblers employ to lead such happy, steady, successful lives.
Good news for the radio ratings: "30 Rock" isn't on tonight because of the giant "ER" final episode-a-thon.
Elvis is a genius.
Plus, he makes a mean peanut butter 'n' nanner sammich.
Good call.
Christ, Jen, are you EVERYWHERE that I am?
I like it!
I was just about to say what Jim said. Yeah, I know, reeeeal original...
Thank God for technology. Everything is possible, I just came from post where you can rent a telescope and view sky through lap top, what's next...the bottom of the economic crisis, lol. Have fun on the radio, sorry cannot attend...Anna :)
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