Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Ted Forth Manhood Index

Courtesy of Michael Cavna of Comics Riff fame comes a handy-dandy chart for a handy (or dandy) man, Ted Forth (click image to embiggen):

Join the discussion on Ted's testicular fortitude here!


  1. You just tripled Comics Riffs traffic for the day. What a nice thing to do.

  2. I really can't wait to see Ted and Aria get together. I am sure it will be something small, like a quick kiss, but I still can not wait. But I tell you this, I am not looking forward to how Hilary will deal with her parents going constant fighting and marriage counseling by going goth.

  3. Okay, I feel stupid.

    Which comic is Cory from? He looks Winkerbeanian, but I'm not sure.

  4. I don't know where Cory is from either, and I am glad that I am not alone in this.

  5. Cory is from "Watch Your Head." A great, relatively new strip.
