Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tonight at Union Hall in Brooklyn: My Childhood in Pornography

Please join me and other "academics" tonight as the self-described "useless lecture" (yet critically adored) series Adult Education presents "Misspent Youth," a heartwarming collection of childhood recollections, regrets and repressed memories.

In addition to other great people talking about growing up as a Jehovah's Witness, making all of one's life choices based on the radio and reliving the horror that was the school oral report, I'll be presenting my family-oriented visual essay, "The Original Orgy," a touching, poignant tale of 151 naked people, six dogs and one cherished memento, all made possible by my parents' involvement in the porn industry. Won't you please come and hear me spin a yarn of innocence from yesteryear?

Wednesday (TONIGHT), Dec. 17, 2008 - 8 pm (doors at 7:30)
Union Hall in Park Slope
702 Union St. @ 5th Ave
$5 cover
Your Host: Charles Star

For further details and to RSVP, please go here.

Hope to see you there!

NOTE: And speaking of pornography, don't forget to pick up your copy of the 2009 Hot Blogger Calendar, with yours truly as "Mr. January" and Josh "Comics Curmudgeon" Fruhlinger as the one and only "Mr. March."


  1. Yet another reason I rue the day (RUE IT!) my husband took the job in Chicago and not the "lateral move" to NY. Something about 'good place to raise our kids,' 'better job opportunity,' 'closer to family,' blah, blah, blah... Selfish B-tard.

    I'm a techo-dolt, but can this be downstreamed to an MP3? Or tape recorded with the reel-to-reels onto the Interwebs? Or sumpin'?

  2. Sure, do this on a weekday, when I work until 7:30 in Suffolk County.

    Second JPB's call for a way us deprived people who can't be there physically can see or hear it.

  3. You KNOW I live in Brooklyn, like TEN MINUTES from this place and you didn't tell me. I hate you for that. I would have been there.

    There will be blood.
