Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's a Portent!

Read Josh's very funny take on what on earth this could possibly mean.


  1. I was kind of hoping it was a big flaming meteor that will crash and wipe out the entire town in one fell swoop, resulting in a week of nothing but blacked out strips as we wait for the ash to settle ...

    Ah, but perhaps it's medication time.

  2. I'm just happy to see the return of Aria. I was starting to worry that she might have disappeared. I also cannot wait until the inevitable affair she and Ted will have.

  3. Does Aria have a cousin who just showed up in Crankshaft?

  4. I loved the dialog in today's Sally Forth. Understated and just-right-funny.

  5. No one here?? Did you get an appointment in the new administration? Are your people talking to their people? Or did Sarah completely lose it and you're trying to talk her out of going 'home' to Alaska?
