Monday, September 22, 2008

Where the Company Diversity Day Went Wrong

Handicapped employees’ contributions to office repeatedly referred to as “noble attempts.”

Seminar on gay and lesbian issues ends with “I triple-dog dare you!”

Multiracial employees instructed to “pick one or the other” for sake of discussion.

No mention of Asians until very end, when office experiences IT problem.

Employees encouraged to dress in traditional ethic clothes. Everyone shows up in Old Navy.

Talk on gender politics titled “The Glass Ceiling—A Reflection on So Many Pretty Faces.”

The phrases “If I closed my eyes I couldn’t tell,” “I love your people’s music” and “I don’t blame you, Sahid” are heard more than once.

Christian table only one with bullhorn.

Mailroom staff’s “Hooray for Santy Claus” presentation both highlights and undermines day’s message.

African-American employee’s lecture on being paraplegic seen as “bait and switch.”

Trust exercise results in six broken backs.

Hispanic Awareness lesson clearly cribbed from “Sabado Gigante” skit.

White workers see event as great opportunity to collect recipes.

Blind employee told he addressed a packed room 20 minutes before his lecture begins.

Persian and Arab groups can’t convince management of need for two separate tables.

Elderly employee panel reads newspaper headlines out loud to anyone who will listen.

Interfaith office basketball game ends in first quarter after everyone fouls out.

“Italian Pavilion” actually just banner over sanitation dock.

Event ends with CEO stating, “They have us outnumbered.”


  1. You spell it S-a-n-t-a C-l-a-u-s... Hooray for Santy Claus!

  2. I came across an online community for individual seeking interracial love. It is ++++((((---Blackwhitemeet. C O M))))++++ All singles there are seeking interracial relationships. Interracial is not a problem here, but a great merit to cherish!

  3. Oh my... I've actually BEEN in a training session where multiethnic people were told to choose one or another. :-/
